On Dec 12th, the iCAMP Workforce and Education Director Denneal Jamison-McClung will host an event to dive into research and funding opportunities for food innovation, as well as hearing from Dr. Michael Wiederoder, the Strategic Integrator for the Combat Feeding Division at the US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center with the second installment of our educational “Future Foods in Space Health” webinar series: “Opportunities for Future Foods in Space Health Researchers.”
Please register for the webinar here.
Future Foods for Space (FFS) is an exciting joint initiative between the Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture (TUCCA) and UC Davis, supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH). The goal of FFS is to prepare a diverse group of faculty, post-docs, and early-career industry researchers to lead successful research programs in space health, with a focus on addressing astronaut food challenges.
About the speaker: Dr. Michael Wiederoder is the Strategic Integrator for the Combat Feeding Division at the US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center. Dr Wiederoder’s role is to oversee the science and technology strategy for the program and engage external stakeholders to support transition of field feeding capabilities to the Warfighter. Prior to his current role Dr. Wiederoder conducted research in biosensors, synthetic biology, microfluidics, MEMS, chemical sensors, gas sensors, and multispectral imaging for food and water safety/defense, environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, and CB agent detection. Dr. Wiederoder has a PhD in Bioengineering (2016) from the Univ of Maryland College Park, an MS in Food Science (2011) from the Univ of Maryland College Park, and a BS in Biosystems Engineering (2009) from Michigan State University.
If you missed Webinar #1 which gave an overview of food innovation challenges in the context of space health, find the recording and slide deck here.
Project Webpage: Future Foods for Space (FFS) | UC Davis Biotechnology Program