Harnessing the power of UC Davis to holistically tackle wicked problems
Addressing our planet’s most complex issues requires new perspectives and visionary action. Grand Challenges is catalyzing our campus community to go beyond team science to holistically tackle wicked problems. We draw upon UC Davis’ enduring strengths, capacity for innovation, and culture of collaboration — bringing together world-class researchers from all areas of study to address the Earth’s most daunting challenges.
A group of 13 UC Davis faculty is asking the campus to adopt a new General Education (GE) Requirement focused on the Climate Crisis. The faculty, from six of UC […]
University of California, Davis received a $4.77M grant this month from CalRecycle to upgrade its Renewable Energy Anaerobic Digester, or READ facility. The facility can be used to produce renewable […]
UC Davis Grand Challenges and the Exploratorium in San Francisco have joined forces to host Open Question, a new conversation series that highlights interesting perspectives and cutting-edge research around the […]