Latest Past Events

23rd Annual Winkler Dinner

Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science RMI Sensory, 392 Old Davis Rd, Davis

Held in the Olive Grove at the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science at UC Davis, the Winkler Dinner is the event of the year for The Davis Enology and Viticulture Organization (DEVO).  As DEVO’s only annual fundraiser, proceeds from the Winkler Dinner support all activities the organization plans throughout the year, including […]

UC Davis Symposium on Agricultural, Environmental and Social Sciences

UC Davis Conference Center 550 Alumni Lane, Davis

Please join Dean Dillard and the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) to celebrate the impact of research funded by the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and learn about the specific contributions of CA&ES faculty members who receive AES funding. This is also a chance to learn more about the Agricultural Experiment Station […]

Semillas y Culturas ~ Seeds & Culture Summit 2024

Student Farm - Ecological Garden 305 Baggins End, , CA 95616, Davis

With leadership from Ethnic Studies YOLO Academy and Save California Salmon, the 6th Semillas y Culturas ~ Seeds & Culture Summit will be hosted at the UCD Farm. Our hope is to raise awareness and share ideas about sustaining Native California and Indigenous Meso American foodways across generations. Register Now 9am-12pm: Speaker-led & Hands-on Workshops […]